Doctor Shortage: The Next Pandemic

I still strongly believe that when the next big health crunch hits the Law of the Jungle will kick in rather quickly. As “survival of the fittest” realities begin to rev up in our society I believe it will be every family for themselves. Prudent and thoughtful parents would do well to learn as much about natural healing, and prepare to take care of their own children should a time of overwhelming sickness prevail.
This recent article at the New Media Journal has an excellent critique of the doctor shortage and how the market is reponding to this crisis.

“It is the opinion of George Howley, the 1999 director of Casper, Area Economic Development Alliance, that the reason for such resistance to Ross University, based in the Caribbean, establishing a campus in Wyoming was because “doctors are opposed to the potential competition, not to the supposed risk of lower-quality care.” He further explained the reasoning was “to protect the income to the doctors.”

This short sightedness on the part of medical professionals may increase the chance that during a pandemic when huge numbers of people may be down with deadly illness, few people will be available to care for the sick.
Because the medicos have been pathologizing normal parts of the human experience, like pregnancy, and have invested so much time and money convincing mothers that they and their babes are a disaster waiting to happen, too much of so called “healing” is just more drugs and more surgery for things that would be better left alone.
I believe our society would be much better served if the healers would adopt the “every mother a midwife” model of health care, and then worked to partner with individuals and families in educating them in the practical matters that will crop up if we have a major outbreak of disease.
Our family has taken these efforts to wean from doctors to a place where we feel confident that should a major pandemic happen, we will be able to confidently care for each other for weeks or even months without any help from anyone. And should I be expecting a baby during that time of survival and sickness, we would be able to deliver the child and then take care of it without any professional help.
Every couple has the potential to learn the skills of self sufficiency, and society would be well served if doctors could catch this vision and then take on the task of promoting it as the model of living that will ensure the best outcome for mothers and children no matter what the future brings.
Don’t see that happening any time soon, but I’ll keep writing about it as the ideal.
Jenny Hatch
PS Free Republic chat about the article

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